

Magnetic continuum robot

Member. with Dr. Zhengxin Yang and Prof. Li Zhang.

@ ANML, MAE, CUHK, Hong Kong, 2022-2023

This project proposed a novel magnetic moment intraoperatively programmable continuum robot (MMPCR).

This robot can achieve various magnetic moment combinations, thereby dexterously deforming in three shape modalities. This benefits from the use of several actuating units capable of intraoperatively programming magnetic moments to improve dexterity and reduce the customization requirements of magnetic continuum robots, resulting in higher degrees of freedom (DOFs). Therefore, prolonged nonessential collisions with the surroundings can be avoided and difficult-to-reach regions can be accessed during navigation. We modeled and numerically simulated the dexterous deformation behaviors of the MMPCR under different magnetic conditions. A fabrication method was proposed, and experiments were conducted to determine the efficacy of the magnetic moment programming method and the dexterous deformation capacity of MMPCR.

This research has been published online in Soft Robotics. LINK


Variable Stiffness

Leader. with Prof. Feng Ju and Prof. Bai Chen.

@ CMEE, NUAA, Nanjing, 2018-2020

  • Preliminary Design
  • This project aimed at seeking a controllable variable-stiffness approach that could be utilized in medical continuum manipulator. Suppose equipped with a variable-stiffness mechanism, this manipulator was anticipated to be capable of continuously tuning its stiffness, thus safely navigating inside human body and reducing operational difficulty for surgeons.

    First, we designed a one-way variable-stiffness flexible manipulator that could be stiffened by the proactive deformation of shape memory alloy (SMA) wires, which were well suited for medical applications due to their apparent mechanical deformation capacity, suitable phase transformation temperature, easy miniaturization and crucial biocompatibility. The design, mathematical modeling, Finite Element Modeling (FEM) simulations and experimental characterizations of mechanism and single module were separately conducted. The results of stimulations and experiments demonstrated a good stiffening capacity of the designed manipulator.

    This study has been published in Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine. LINK

  • Further Design
  • On the ground of the aforementioned study, we further designed a continuum manipulator integrated with an SMA-based variable-stiffness sheath, whose stiffness was adjusted continuously in a two-way pattern as a voltage stimulus between both sheath ends ranged in a specific range, along with the phase transformations between austenite and martensite. Via a similar research method as aforementioned study, the validity of this variable-stiffness manipulator design was verified.

    The related outcome was presented at 2018 International Academic Conference for Graduates, NUAA (IACGN, 2018), and winded up honored with Best Paper Award in 2018 IACGN. LINK1 Then, after my M. Sc. graduation from NUAA, it was further published in the International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery. LINK2

    Shape Estimation

    Member. with Dr. Hao Guo, Prof. Feng Ju, and Prof. Bai Chen.

    @ CMEE, NUAA, Nanjing, 2018

    This project targeted at exploring an approach to track shapes of continuum robots in real time so that the robots could be controlled accurately so as to assure the safety of motion in unknown environments.

    We attempted a scheme that small permanent magnets and magnetic sensors were integrated into a continuum robot to estimate its shape change. By fitting magnets' relative bending angle data derived from sensors into the Quadratic Bézier curve, we ended up reconstructing the shape in 2D plane. In addition, we performed simulation to reasonably arrange magnets and sensors to decrease the interference of multiple magnets. Afterwards, we carried out related experiments in a test platform including a single section prototype and a contrastive experiment platform to verify accuracy and feasibility of this method.

    This research has been published in Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. LINK

    Tactile Sensing

    Member. with Mr. Lei Zhang, Prof. Feng Ju, and Prof. Bai Chen.

    @ CMEE, NUAA, Nanjing, 2017

    In this project, we anticipated to develop a tactile sensor capable of measuring hardness of soft tissues, so as to provide a detailed sense of touch for surgeons.

    We proposed a tactile sensor consisting of a piezoelectric ceramic plate, a spiral metal plate and a probe. In this design, only one piece of lead zirconate titanate (PZT) was used as both an actuator and a sensing element; a spiral metal plate was designed to reduce the resonant frequency of the sensor to restrict the impact brought by the effective mass of tissue. The concept structure and working principle of the proposed sensor were explained. FEM analyses including static structural analysis, modal analysis and harmonic response analysis were carried out to verify the feasibility of the sensor. Finally, a prototype and corresponding experimental system were established to further validate this feasibility. The experimental results ended up having a good agreement with the simulation results to assure this sensor's superb ability of lump detection.

    This study has been published in Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. LINK

    Employment Experience

    Module Development and Maintenance of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

    Software Engineer

    @ Department of Information and Communication Technology, HUAWEI, Nanjing, 2019-2021

    After my completion of M. Sc. study in NUAA, I joined HUAWEI as a software engineer. The team I served for supports a bunch series of HUAWEI's core products, like high-end communication devices named "NetEngine 8000 Series Routers" and stuff. I was mainly in charge of module development and maintenance of FMEA, related to periodically monitoring hardware failure and reporting alarms during equipment running. This assured the stability and reliability of equipments without impairing performance.

    Over two years or so, I have delivered 15+ product iterations on developing new software requirements, during which I served as iteration owner. Meanwhile, I solved 500+ defect tracking sheets (DTS) and won Gold Network Award for 3 times, thus deeply appreciated by colleagues.


    2018 International Academic Conference for Graduates, NUAA (IACGN, 2018)


    @ Nanjing, 18-19 October 2018

    The conference brought together leading academics among graduate students from NUAA as well as other Chinese and international universities, for its tradition of presenting great opportunities for collaboration and sharing of ideas on latest research focuses.

    I was invited to the conference as one of 229 representatives. I delivered a 20-minute lecture in English about my current research progress in the variable-stiffness continuum manipulator. In addition, I really lucked out and was honored with Best Paper Award in 2018 IACGN.

    Research Grant

    • Member. Research on a Reconfigurable Robot System for Intracardiac Artery Intervention. PI: Prof. Bai Chen. National Natural Science Foundation of China. No. 51575256, 640,000 RMB, 2016-2019. 中国国家自然科学基金, 可重构的心动脉内介入手术机器人系统研究.